Monday, November 3, 2008

Is it internet I need to have my football?

Fellows who love football like I do there is a way you can watch your football in the comfort of checking your mail as long as you have internet of good speed. I do not know the legality of it. Maybe in some countries it is not allowed. Actually with what I am going to outline here all you need is to throw away your expensive decoder and look for an ISP to give you the much loved internet and yo ready to go. By the way can you check mail on DSTV or GTV......

All you need is to go to this website and download software which you need to watch your favorite Liverpool lose to Tottenham actually at and download a player of your choice. Sopcast and TV Ants have proved to be very easy to use to me. Install the player of course..

Since am writing this for soccer lovers then the way to go is or better still for Man Utd oh sorry soccer lover then go to

When there you will see a TV sign on the far right. Click on it and you will be directed to another page where you will chose the player that you have installed above by clicking play.

Almost there: the player will open automatically and VOILA!!!!!!!! there is Rooney and Ronaldo. So my question is do we really need to waste our money on that one or just have broad band internet and off we go???????

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