Monday, November 23, 2009

of 7 year terms and the ruling party...

weekend papers were awash with what usually happens in Malawi politics more especially in the president's second term of office..
It was reported that one Member of Parliament moved a motion which if passed will increase the current 5 year presidential and parliamentary terms to 7 years..
When I read it my memory raced back to the time of the former president in the multiparty era, Bakili Muluzi, who using some Alliance for Democracy MP a Khwauli Msiska and UDF's Lucius Banda to ask for a third term and the open term... Malawians denied this one then..
Now one Viyazi has already forgotten how UDF and Muluzi failed and has brought up the issue again... My small head is telling me that the president has already started to fear what life will be like after 2014.. The DPP instead of addressing succession problems are busy to yet tarnish their image which has already been done so by quota, diesel and FOREX shortage, electricity and water problems, the Lhomwe thing.
If Malawi voted today....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

ARVs and Kachasu

I will write tomorrow

of quota system and the HE outbursts

Recently the president has been very busy commenting on his proposed and now fully operational idea of equitable distribution of space at tertiary education institutions in Malawi, QUOTA... He has now openly said that whether one likes it or not the proposal is now in effect.
What I find very hard to take is the way the president has handled the whole issue. Maybe it is because this is his last term in office and he doesn't care whether his party continues after 2014..
Why I say this is that the region that supported his landslide victory some few months ago is the one that feels cheated in the whole thing... They believe... As a matter of fact all but one MP of the 32 parliamentarians from the region are with his party.. Ok some were independents but defected to his party... Take that number plus other disgruntled individuals, may be due to the Mulhakho wa alomwe thing, from the other regions have me anticipate nothing but doom for the once mighty party. these are just my thoughts....


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